Saturday, 20 June 2009

Laughlin's Chicken Legs

Well, I said I thought he had chicken legs and I had to do some searching to find out just why I thought so. I also promised Chris evidence. Turns out the reason I think Ben Laughlin has chicken legs is... because he does.

Behold the Chicklin Legs:

They're ridiculously scrawny, as is this post. But then again, ridiculousness is my specialty.


Anonymous said...

This gave me an idea.

Amy said...

Well, alright. Care to share?

Anonymous said...

Trust me, you will be the first to know. Will do it tomorrow. Going to watch the Springboks kick some British asses.

Anonymous said...

I hate chicken legs. Morne Morkel also has them. But sometimes guys with tree trunks can look gay like Smith so it shows there is a variety out there. Laughlin, Morkel and Smith probably the three most effeminate looking in world cricket.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you have to wonder about these chickenleg guys.

Amy said...

Anon, you sure? I'd say Broady is pretty high up there, Smith isn't much at all.

Anon 2, the poor things are physically incapable of standing on two feet. Their legs can't support the weight of their upper body, much like the Barbie doll.

The MG said...

Laughlin, Morkel, Smith? Nah.

What about...


Anonymous said...

Morne's are like sticks.

fordaluvofMorne said...

Morne has hot sexy long legs... in fact Morne is sex on legs!

Yea ok I agree about Bracks and co

Morne is sex on a stick said...

Morne is the biggest drop dead gorgeous stunning cricketer on the planet. I cannot recall anyone hotter - EVER.

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price per head reviews said...

hahahaha I could not help laughing so hard and I am still laughing, the chicken legs and the picture are the perfect combination hahaha

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Hy amy . Ilove that

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